for group discussion
The 411 on Planned Charitable Giving
Ethics + Advocacy: What you may not know about traditional orphan care
The Bridgers' Journey through an Unethical Adoption
Holistic Orphan Care and Mwana’s Model
articles + essays
"Orphan Care and the Christian Response"
"The 'Un-Ethics' of International Adoption"
"Give Refuge Campaign: A journey through a few months at the Mwana Refuge"
“Africa Calls Me” a chapter from On the Move
"My time with an ethical orphanage"
"Beauty. Resilience. Poverty. Marginalization"
“Healthcare and the Orphan Crisis”
Questions for orphan care organizations
Questions for adoption agencies
Intercountry Adoption and Poverty: A Human Rights Analysis
Of Orphans and Adoption, Parents and the Poor, Exploitation and Rescue
In Defense of the Fatherless by Sara Brinton
Child Catchers by Kathryn Joyce
Children Belong in Families by Mick Pease
When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
The Color of Love by Michelle Madrid-Branch
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo
Bridges out of Poverty by Ruby Payne
Poor Economics by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
We invite you to become learners and advocates to partner in this transformational work.