Our Mission:
conscientious ETHICAL orphan care.
Mwana provides conscientious, ethical orphan care to meet the comprehensive needs of orphans, families and communities in order to break generational cycles.
Mwana provides conscientious, ethical orphan care to meet the comprehensive needs of orphans, families and communities in order to break generational cycles.
In the Republic of Congo, children are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and forced domestic work*.
*From the US Department of Labor Bureau of International Affairs Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor
We provide shelter at the Mwana Refuge.
Orphaned and vulnerable children in crisis are welcomed into full time care at the Mwana Refuge.
These children otherwise face trafficking, exploitation or death, yet here find safety under the protective guardianship of Mwana.
We employ trustworthy, local staff.
These men and women holistically and lovingly care for the children.
Our local staff actively work against exploitative and corrupt local systems to protect vulnerable children and families.
By creating an economy of jobs in the local community we are strengthening it for the future.
We seek family permanency for each child.
The primary goal is always family preservation and reunification whenever safe and possible.
We empower stability in birth families. Adoption is pursued only when needed to the highest ethical standards.
When reunification or adoption are not possible, a child has family permanency in the Mwana Family.
Two Refuges currently serve approximately 40 children, with additional children in Mwana Foster Homes.
Investigative efforts lead to: reunifications after kidnappings; exposure of corruption in local authorities; intervention in trafficking schemes.
Additionally, 20% of children have been adopted in Congo, France and the United States, and 15% find permanency in the Mwana Family.